Professor Jean-Marc OGIER received his PhD degree in computer science from the University of Rouen, France, in 1994. During this period (1991-1994), he worked on graphics recognition for Matra Ms&I Company. From 1994 to 2000, he was an associate professor at the University of Rennes 1 during a first period (1994-1998) and at the University of Rouen from 1998 to 2001. Now full professor at the University of La Rochelle, Professor Ogier is the head of L3i laboratory which gathers more than 80 members and works mainly of Document Analysis and Content Management. Author of more than 160 publications / communications, he managed several French and European projects dealing with document analysis, either with public institutions, or with private companies. Professor Ogier has been a Deputy Director of the GDR I3 of the French National Research Center (CNRS) from 2005 to 2013. He is one of the 2 french representative at the governing board of IAPR and is also Chair of the Technical Committee 10 (Graphics Recognition) of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). He is also vice president of the University of La Rochelle.
Nibal NAYEF works currently as a post-doctoral researcher at Valconum and L3i Laboratory at the University of La Rochelle, France. She works on quality assessment and enhancement of mobile captured documents, information spotting and text / image segmentation. Nayef has a Ph.D. in computer science (2012) from the technical university of Kaiserslautern in Germany. She was a member of the IUPR laboratory (Image Understanding and Pattern Recognition) there, where she finished her PhD thesis entitled “Geometric-based symbol spotting and retrieval in technical line drawings”. Her research interests are: analysis and retrieval of line drawings and their associated evaluation protocols, statistical feature grouping, machine learning for vis ion, geometric matching and document image quality assessment and enhancement. She is a regular reviewer in IJDAR journal and DAS, ICDAR, ICFHR, ICPR conferences .
Wafa KHLIF is currently a first-year PhD student. She is co-supervised by Professor Jean-Christophe Burie at L3i Laboratory, University of La Rochelle (France) and Professor Adel Alimi at Regim Lab, National School of Engineers of Sfax (Tunisia). Wafa received the engineering diploma in computer science from the Tunisian engineering university ENIS-SFAX within the exchange program Erasmus mundus with Central Nantes in December 2014. In addition, she received the M.Sc. degree in 2015 from Polytech Nice-Sophia, the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis.
Professor Jean-Christophe BURIE received his Ph.D. degree in Automatic Control Engineering and Industrial Data Processing from University of Lille, France, in 1995. He was a research fellow in the Department of Mechanical Engineering for Computer-Controlled Machinery, Osaka University, Japan from 1995 to 1997 in the framework of the Lavoisier Program of the French Foreign Office. He works at La Rochelle University since 1998. He is currently full Professor and deputy director of the L3i Lab. He has been involved in the European Project EUREKA- Prometheus and has actively contributed to the ANR projects: Navidomass and Alpage. His research interests include computer vision, color image processing, pattern recognition. His research topics concerns color document analysis indexing of Comics, characters recognition written on old palm leaves. Since 2011, he is co-leader of the e-bdtheque research program dedicated to the indexing of comics’ books.
Muhammad Muzzamil LUQMAN is currently a Research Engineer (Permanent) at the L3i Laboratory, University of La Rochelle (France). Luqman has worked as a Research Engineer at the Bordeaux Bioinformatics Center (Centre de Bioinformatique de Bordeaux), France and has worked as a Postdoctoral researcher with Professor Jean-Marc Ogier, at L3i Laboratory, University of La Rochelle (France). Luqman has a PhD in Computer Science from François Rabelais University of Tours (France) and Autonoma University of Barcelona (Spain). His PhD thesis was co-supervised by Professor Jean-Yves Ramel and Professor Josep Llados. He successfully defended his PhD thesis – titled “Fuzzy Multilevel Graph Embedding for Recognition, Indexing and Retrieval of Graphic Document Images” – with distinction “très honorable (magna cum laude)”, on Friday 2nd of March 2012 at François Rabelais University of Tours (France). His research interests include Structural Pattern Recognition, Document Image Analysis, Camera-Based Document Analysis and Recognition, Graphics Recognition, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Augmented Reality and Biomimicry. Luqman has authored 19 scientific publications including a book, a journal paper and conference papers. Luqman is a regular reviewer for journals (PR, IJDAR, IJPRAI, IJCSAI, TALLIP), he regularly serves on the program committees of many international scientific events (ICDAR, DAS, CIFED, ICET) and has actively participated in organizing several international conferences, workshops and scientific competitions.
Mickael COUSTATY is currently a Post-doctoral researcher in the L3i laboratory, University of La Rochelle, France. He got a PhD in Computer Science at the University of La Rochelle, supervised by Prof. Jean-Marc Ogier in 2011 on the analysis of historical documents images in order to propose a new complex indexing process for CBIR. His research interests include Structural Pattern Recognition, Document Image Analysis, Camera -Based Document Analysis and Recognition, Graphics Recognition, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Augmented Reality and Semantic analysis. He is actually leader of 3 research project dealing with historical document analysis and eTourism. Coustaty has authored more than 35 scientific publications including a book, 6 journal papers and conference papers. Coustaty is a regular reviewer for journals (IJDAR, MTAP, NNLS, SMC, ELCVIA) and conferences, he regularly serves on the program committees of many international scientific events (CIFED, GREC, ICDAR) and has actively participated in organizing several international conferences and workshops.
NLPR contributers:
Professor Cheng-Lin LIU received the B.S. degree in electronic engineering from Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, the M.E. degree in electronic engineering from Beijing Polytechnic University, Beijing, China, the Ph.D. degree in pattern recognition and intelligent control from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, in 1989, 1992 and 1995, respectively. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and later at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology from March 1996 to March 1999. From 1999 to 2004, he was a research staff member and later a senior researcher at the Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan. His research interests include pattern recognition, image processing, neural networks, machine learning, and especially the applications to character recognition and document analysis. He has published over 190 technical papers at prestigious international journals and conferences. He is a Professor at the NLPR, and is now the director of the laboratory. He is on the editorial board of Pattern Recognition Journal, Image and Vision Computing, International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition. He is a fellow of the IAPR and a senior member of the IEEE.
Fei YIN received the Ph.D. degree in pattern recognition and intelligent systems from the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2010. He got his BS and MS from Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications in 1999 and Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2001 respectively. His research interests include character recognition and decument processing, etc. The current projects include “Theory and Key Techniques for Perturbation based Character Recognition” and “Video/Image text detection and recognition”. He has published more than thirty papers on international journals and conferences.